Sunday School is cancelled tomorrow at 10:30am but we will still have our Lord’s Day Service at our regular time of 11:30am. There is snow expected beginning at 9AM, so be alert and exercise your best judgment if you choose to attend.

Directions & Parking

Directions & Parking

Directions & Parking

Pastor George Pearson

George Pearson originally hails from the state of Michigan (Go Blue!) where he lived until the age of 13. His family then moved to Seoul, Korea where he attended middle and high school until moving back to the States for college. After four years at Cornell University, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Marketing. He spent his next chapter in life in California working for various companies and was saved at the age of 26. He served at his local church in various roles but after a few years was called to the pursuit of full-time ministry. This call led him to The Master's Seminary where he graduated earning his Masters of Divinity degree with high honors and a passion for expository preaching. For 10 years, George served as a member of Grace Community Church pastored by Dr. John MacArthur. There he lead the Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Outreach ministry and serving as a Shepherd of a Bible Study in the Crossroads College and Career Ministry under the leadership of Pastor Austin Duncan. He currently holds advanced counseling certificates with Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation and loves watching the truth of the Gospel transform lives. During his spare time, George enjoys reading books on theology, history and economics, in addition to visiting museums and hanging out with the love of his life, Tina and their three children, Paul, Joel and Grace. If you have any questions about CrossLife or would like to set up a counseling appointment, please contact Pastor George at



Henri Cheung-Elder Pro Tem

Henri Cheung was born in Laos as a missionary kid and spent all of his formative years in Northern Virginia. He spent 30+ years working in public accounting and as a controller for a high tech company. His ministry experience includes a number of years as a Sunday school teacher, youth ministry leader, AWANA commander and deacon. He currently serves as our church administrator and Children's Ministry Director while pursuing church leadership training with The Master's Seminary. Henri’s passion is building up the body of Christ by faithfully teaching the Word of God publicly, caring for souls in personal relationships and by helping the next generation gain a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Henri is happily married to Oona with 2 adult children, Justin and Austin, and enjoys playing and watching basketball in addition to following the Wizards, Capitals, Redskins and the Nationals.